Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend Review or Challah Glory

We had a nice weekend.  Despite the icky weather.  We are in the midst of the coldest cold weather snap that Europe has experienced in a long time.  It is pretty cold here in Naples.  Not as cold as it is in New York, but cold.  Feels like winter and being across from the sea makes it feel colder and damper.  There was actually something frozen falling from the sky at one point on Friday.  Wild.

These are the highlights of our weekend.  I will post each separately to avoid running on and on.

Challah Glory
Ikea Nightmare
Feral Dogs vs Tobi
Midnight Super Bowl

Challah Glory:

This Friday our friend came over and cooked us lentils and pasta.  Lenticchie e Pasta.  It was yummy.  Yummier that I didn't have to cook.  I perfected my challah.  I am making the dough in the bread machine and then braiding and baking it.  Zabar's beware.  It reminds me of once when I took the train to the City by myself and bought a loaf of challah in Grand Central and ate the entire center of it between NY and Cold Spring.

Beauty on a Platter

1 comment:

  1. That challah is gorgeous! Wish I could peel off a big ol' bite of that shiny crust . . .
